Update SPFx webpart Properties

 Customize SPFx webpart Properties

            In this post we will see how to customize SPFx webpart properties & code to be updated.

Titles covered:
1. Files & methods used for webpart Property
2. Bind Webpart Property values in Code
3. Field types used in Property Pane
4. Adding new properties 'ListTitle' & 'ListUrl' in same group
5. Adding Validation to the Properties
6. index-internal.d.ts file uses
6. Adding Dropdown type Webpart property
7. Adding Slider type Webpart property:

1. Files & methods used for webpart Property(ex. "Description" property)

For example refer the below webpart property "Description"

    1. References added from -> import from '@microsoft/sp-property-pane'
    2. Under interface(IWebpartWebPartProps) declare the property "Description"
    3. Implement the property in getPropertyPaneConfiguration() method

After this webpart property heading, group name, label text are declared in below files.
(Note: we can also directly hardcode the names in Webpart.ts file)
src/WebPart.ts (getPropertyPaneConfiguration() method  - define and implement properties)
src/loc/mystrings.d.ts (IWebPartStrings Interface - declare property Heading, group name etc... )
src/loc/en-us.ts (define([] array - adding string values for the property Heading, group name etc...)
(Note: we can also directly hard code the label values without using above 2 files)

2. Bind Webpart Property in Code

    In Render() method we can add this code to get the webpart property & it will bind values dynamically.

Now we will add more properties to the webpart

3. Field types used in Property Pane:

#Property fieldSPFx Typed Object
3Multiple lines of textPropertyPaneTextField
11Horizontal RulePropertyPaneHorizontalRule
12CustomOur own implementation using combination of above

4. Adding new properties 'ListTitle' & 'ListUrl' in same group:

    As we mentioned above we will add this properies to
src/WebPart.ts (getPropertyPaneConfiguration() method  - Define and implement properties)
src/loc/mystrings.d.ts (IWebPartStrings Interface - Declare property Heading, group name etc... )
src/loc/en-us.ts (define([] array - Adding string values for the property Heading, group name etc...)
(Note: we can also directly hard code the label values without using above 2 files)

5. Adding Validation to the Properties:

    For example if list URL is empty then we need to show some some error. We can use this ''onGetErrorMessage" property for text validation.

index-internal.d.ts file uses:
    This file is used to find each Webpart Property options(eg. inputs & methods) using 'index-internal.d.ts' file. To open this file easily --> Add 'IPropertyPaneTextFieldProps' under src/webpart.ts & press F12.

We have added validation for List URL should not be empty.
And the code is "onGetErrorMessage"

6. Adding Dropdown type Webpart property:

Take reference from 'index-internal.d.ts' to find default options for dropdown:

And the Actual code to add Dropdown Property:

1.Add 'PropertyPaneDropdown' under import & add Property name under interface (ex. ListName)

2. Add dropdown property & options code under "getPropertyPaneConfiguration()"

7. Adding Slider type Webpart property:

Take reference from 'index-internal.d.ts' to find default options for Slider:

Code to add Slider Property

1. Add 'PropertyPaneSlider' under import webpart
2. Add porperty name to get slider under interface(Example: PercentageCompleted)
3. Add slider code under "getPropertyPaneConfiguration()"

Refer this video for more details


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