Its a central, reusable column definition. A site column can be used across sub sites or lists inside the site collection.
See this codeproject link to know more
Add content type to SharePoint List/Library using REST API Use this below code to add content type to SharePoint Library using REST API. For this you need to use the content type ID. Below function will get the content type ID from content type name & we will pass the content type id to next function which will update content type to list/library. var varContentTypeName = " Your Content Type name "; var Listname = " Your List name where you want to add content type "; //This will get the content type ID from content type Name function getContentTypeID() { var deferred = $.Deferred(); var isCurrentUserIsApprover = false ; var serverURL = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl; var listURL = String.format(" {0}/_api/web/AvailableContentTypes?$select=Name,Id,StringId&$filter=Name eq '"+varContentTypeName+"' ",serverURL); $.ajax({ url: listURL, type: " GET ", async: false, headers:...
When we are trying to update task list we will get this error " A type named 'SP.Data. could not be resolved by the model error. When a model is available, each type name must resolve to a valid name must resolve to a a valid type" This happens because there is a space in the list name. To resolve this issue we need to get the exact list name to be used in "SP.Data" 1.Use the below URL in chrome browser <SiteUrl>/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('List Name')/ For Example: https://SiteURL/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('Workflow Tasks')/ Some times in Chrome browser you may get Authentication error. For that first open the list from your Chrome browser & then use the above URL. 2.Find "SP.Data" -> now you will get the list name that you can be used in SP.Data.ListNameListitem
Upload Single/Multiple file by using the REST API and jQuery SharePoint 2013 Here you can find how to upload single/multiple file in SharePoint 2013 Library using Rest API. We can use the Content Editor web part to call the script files. Include Script files in Content Editor: Go to content editor -> Edit Source -> enter the code like below (code for including the script files) For 'jquery.min.js' we can either use direct link from online or we can download to our SharePoint library & We can use that. <script src="" ></script> OR use the below code <script src="/ sites/<SiteName>/<Subsite>/SiteAssets/jquery-1.11.1.min.j s"></script> <script src="/ sites/ <SiteName>/<Subsite> /SiteAssets/taskpage.js " type="text/javascript"></script> <script src=" /sites/ <SiteName>/<Subs...
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