Site Collection Administrator vs Site Owner (Full Control) in SharePoint

  • SharePoint Server (system?) Administrator – responsible for the physical servers, software installation, backup, etc.
  • SharePoint Site Collection Administrator – the user responsible for the entire site collection, has access to Site Collection wide features in several places including Site Settings.
  • SharePoint Site Owner – a user with “full control” rights to a single site, it’s lists, libraries and content, and any sub sites and workspaces created below it.  I.e. responsible for a “branch” of a site collection. 

Here's a list of what the Site Collection Administrator can see that the Site Owner (Full Control user) can not: 

Site Actions -> Site Settings

-- Users and Permissions
---- Site collection administrators (only an option when at a top level site) 

-- Galleries 
---- Workflows 

-- Site Administration 
---- Content and structure logs 

-- The entire Site Collection Administration column is missing 
(which also means that the full control user can't access the 2nd level Recycle Bin) 

Here’s the Site Actions –> Site Settings screens…

For the Site Collection Administrator, at a top level site:

I got this useful information from the following link 


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