Silverlight canvas example:

Silverlight canvas example:

In Silverlight we can do animation using Canvas.Here i'm explain simple example.Just copy paste the following xaml code to your silverlight program,then you can see that scrolling texts.

xaml code:


       <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Canvas.Loaded" >
            <Storyboard x:Name="animation" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Canvas.Left)" RepeatBehavior="Forever">
                <DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="ScrollingText" From="0" To="-820" Duration="0:0:10"  />
                <DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="ScrollingText2" From="820" To="0" Duration="0:0:10"  />

    <TextBlock x:Name="ScrollingText" FontSize="36" Foreground="Green"  Text="This is a TextBlock scrolling Text" />
    <TextBlock x:Name="ScrollingText2" FontSize="36" Foreground="Green" Text="This is a TextBlock scrolling Text" />


If you want to Bind DoubleAnimation 'From', 'To' property dynamically:

See the following links for some examples:


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