SharePoint architecture & (WebApplication vs SiteCollection vs Sites)

SharePoint architecture : 

                                Before to see architecture you should know difference between  the following things

WebApplication vs SiteCollection vs Sites

WebApplication :
Is a collection of SiteCollections. In technical terms, this is a web site in IIS 
SiteCollection :
The name itself indicates, a collection of sites.
The Site Collection is the root site/Top level site of the web site. Below the Site Collection, there can be one or more Sites.
Site :
Is a collection of pages. Site stores list of documents, discussion, events, task and many other types of information.each site can have multiple sub sites also. 

Where we use this :
In central admin while we are creating new application a web application created.And next step there we are creating a site collection/Top level site(you can create more site collection in this web application by clicking mange web application).
Inside the web application we can create sub sites lists library etc.

SharePoint server architecture :

SharePoint Site architecture :


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