Power App Types

We can create 3 types of apps using PowerApps

  1. Canvas app
  2. Model-driven app
  3. Portal

Canvas App:

     Design the app by dragging and dropping elements onto a canvas. We will use formulas(excel type expressions).
    Used to extend SharePoint, i.e we can customize SP List Library Forms
    Connect to any data source.(ex. connect to SQL, SharePoint)

Model-driven App:

    Build an app on top of data that's already stored in Dataverse — the smart, secure, and scalable low-code data platform. It is about defining dataverse with tables dashboards & charts, etc...

Dataverse : cloud-based storage space(new name for the Common Data Service)


    It's a website. Create a no-code website for internal or external audiences. Customize it to get the features and the look you want. We can show all dataverse data


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