Steps to mount content Database in SharePoint using powershell commands

1)      Backup the Source Machine of SharePoint Web Application content database from SQL Server.
2)      Restore the Database Backup to Destination Machine in SQL Server (Database Name – “TestDB”).
3)      Create a Web Application (Eg., http://Sharepoint:2018 ) in Central Admin (Note – Do not create site collection).
4)      Extract All WSPs from Source Machine.
5)      Deploy all WSPs to Destination Machine globally in Central Admin.
6)      Remove content database for created Web Application (Eg., http://Sharepoint:2018).
7)      Test the content database by use following script in Management Shell.
a.       Test-SPContentDataase –name “TestDB” –WebApplication “http://  http://Sharepoint:2018”.
8)      Mount the content database by use following script in Management Shell.
a.       Mount-SPContentDatabase –name “TestDB” –WebApplication “http://Sharepoint:2018”.
9)      Change the Site Collection Administrator in Central Admin for “http://Sharepoint:2018”.
10)   Verify whether Mount DB is added to your created Web Application in Central Admin.
11)   Verify the URL in Browser and check whether site is opening or not.
12)   Finish


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