Comparison (cookies vs cache), (PUT vs POST) && (JSLink vs Script Editor vs Content Editor WebPart)

cookies vs cache

  • Cookie should be used to store per-user information for the current Web session or persistentinformation on the client, therefore client has control over the contents of a cookie.
  • Cache object is shared between users in a single application. Its primary purpose is to cache data from a data store and should not be used as a primary storage. It supports automatic invalidation features.
Refer this link for more details Link1


The most commonly used HTTP verbs POST, GET, PUT, DELETE are similar to CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations in database. We specify these HTTP verbs in the capital case. So, the below is the comparison between them.

create - POST
read - GET
update - PUT
delete - DELETE
PATCH: Submits a partial modification to a resource. If you only need to update one field for the resource, you may want to use the PATCH method.
Refer this link for more details ClickHere

JSLink vs Script Editor vs Content Editor WebPart

1. JSlink: you can control rendering of Fields, Items and even Web Parts using a JavaScript File referenced in JS Link property field of a Web Part.
2.  Script Editor Web Part: you could paste your html and JavaScript into Script Editor Web Part. And it is a reusable one.
3. Content Editor Web Part: you could add formatted text, tables, hyperlinks, and images to a Web Part Page by Content Editor Web Part.
Please refer this link for more details Link


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