“Pause until Date” workflows handle changing dates

SharePoint workflow update 'pause until date' when item is updated

In some cases we need to update the 'pause until date' dynamically from the SharePoint designer workflow.

In my case I have a list, that contains Expire Date. I need to send remainder before 7 days.
But here there is a difficulty, suppose users update the 'Expire date' then 'Remainder date'(ie workflow 'pause until date') also get updated in workflow.

But SharePoint workflow will not start if there is a running workflow instance for that item. It is difficult to stop the running workflow OR update the pause until date' while it is running.
To handle this scenario we can use SharePoint 2013 workflow.
SharePoint 2013 workflow contains a new feature called 'Loop'. We can use this loop until our condition satisfied. So that we can update the 'pause until date' inside the loop dynamically.

To test this workflow we can log some test messages inside the workflow. Please refer the screenshot of the SharePoint 2013 designer workflow.

Workflow Details:

First line we are checking the DueDate column is not empty
2nd line will add -7 days to the due date and assign with workflow variable
3rd line will update history list with some test message.

first line will be executed until while condition satisfied (it will check : remainder date reached or not)
2nd line will add -7 days to the due date and assign with workflow variable
3rd line will update history list with some test message.
4th line pause this loop for 1 minute.

After Loop:
first line will update history list with some test message.
2nd line will wait until the remainder date reach (at this stage it is already reached, so it will go next line immediately)
last line will send email

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